Accessible for all
The Stuttgart Christmas Market sees itself as a place for everyone. Accordingly, the event is regularly reviewed for possible improvements and adapted if necessary. Visiting the Christmas market is easily possible for wheelchair users.
Directly adjacent to the Christmas market you will find parking spaces for people in wheelchairs or with an authorization card in:
- Bolzstraße (near Schlossplatz)
- Dorotheenstraße (near Schillerplatz and Karlsplatz)
- Eberhardstraße, Nadlerstraße, Breite Straße (near Marktplatz)
- Breiten Straße (near Marktplatz)
There is also a location for the wheelchair cab in Dorotheenstraße. Due to its central location, Stuttgart's main railway station is close by and good accessibility by public transport is guaranteed at all times.
The Stuttgart Christmas Market offers barrier-free access for wheelchair users and people with disabilities from almost all sides. Almost all paths are paved and therefore easily accessible. You can find the best way to access the market in our site map.
Toilets for people with disabilities are located
- in Stiftstraße
- at Karlsplatz
- at Schlossplatz by the trams
- on Schlossplatz in front of the “Alte Kanzlei” restaurant
- at Pierre-Pflimlin-Platz
- at the art museum next to the steps
The exact location can be found on the site map.

Many people take the use of public toilets for granted. However, people with severe and multiple disabilities who are dependent on diapers or cannot use a “traditional” toilet, people with limited mobility and families with small children have special needs.
The “toilet for all” concept aims to ensure that everyone can use the “quiet room”.To make this possible, you need a large room with enough space for an adult care couch and a patient hoist for transferring from the wheelchair to the couch or toilet. A hygienic diaper pail is also essential.
Until now, such equipment has unfortunately not usually been available at events - this is now changing at the Stuttgart Christmas market.
A mobile version of the “toilet for all” will be in use at the Christmas market for the first time in 2024 and will be located on Karlsplatz on the corner of Dorotheenstrasse and Münzstrasse. There is also a permanently installed toilet for all behind the town hall at Eichstraße 7, with access via Nadlerstraße 19. The toilets for all are helping to make the city's events more inclusive step by step.
A key for the toilet for everyone is available from the toilet staff.
Further information:
You can find an inclusive city guide for the city of Stuttgart here.